Assistant Director

The Blues

mental health

Written and directed by Josh Batacan, The Blues is a story about a world without depression, sadness, nor negativity. One day the protagonist discovered about these things and tried his best to make the world understand.


The Blues is a thesis short film by one of my college best friends Josh. I was his assistant director. We created the whole film for a year from 2018 to 2019.

Faced a lot of challenges but fortunately the director didn’t give up and in the end wanted to convey his message about mental health to his audience.

This is one of the films that really gave me real challenges. We were just a small team, so I really helped the director a lot. Starting with the location, budgeting, equipment’s, etc., and almost everything that he needs, I did my best to find it for him.”

One of the most memorable films I made.


Editing, equipment, budgeting, directing, location, script,


Assistant Director


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